Brand Workshops

For dreamers, changemakers, and brands with audacious goals.

Our brand workshops are immersive and collaborative environments where businesses can explore, refine, or redefine their brand strategy, voice, and visual identity. Whether launching a new brand, revitalizing an existing one, or seeking to realign brand perceptions, our workshops help serve as a jumping off point to help you think outside the box.

Available Workshops

Brand True North Workshop

The Brand North Star Workshop is an immersive exploration into the heart and soul of a brand. It serves as a guiding light, illuminating the essence and direction that defines a brand's identity. This transformative experience is designed to uncover core values, articulate a compelling brand narrative, and establish a clear vision that becomes the driving force behind all brand strategies and decisions

Customer Journey Workshop

The Customer Journey Mapping Workshop is a deep dive into understanding and enhancing the customer experience. This workshop focuses on visualizing and analyzing every touchpoint a customer encounters throughout their interaction with a brand. Participants collaborate to create comprehensive maps that outline the customer's emotions, needs, and pain points at each stage. By gaining valuable insights into the customer's perspective, businesses can identify opportunities for improvement and create more meaningful and satisfying customer experiences.

Brand Messaging Workshop

The Brand Messaging Mapping Workshop is a strategic exploration aimed at crafting a cohesive and impactful brand message.

Through collaborative exercises, participants work to define key brand messages, values, and positioning that resonate with the target audience. This workshop helps align internal and external communications, ensuring consistency and clarity across all brand touchpoints.

Brand Archetypes Workshop

The Brand Archetypes Exploration Workshop delves into the psychology of branding by exploring various archetypes that resonate with human emotions and behaviors. Participants analyze and identify archetypes that best align with their brand's personality and values. This workshop aims to establish a symbolic framework that guides brand communication, allowing businesses to evoke specific emotions and create stronger connections with their audience. By understanding and leveraging archetypes, brands can craft compelling narratives that captivate and engage their customers.

Custom Workshops

Custom Workshops are tailored experiences designed to address specific brand needs or challenges.

These workshops are flexible and adaptable, allowing businesses to focus on areas such as brand strategy, visual identity, market positioning, or any other aspect pertinent to their brand's growth.

Frequently Asked Questions


Select a workshop from above, then reach out to [email protected] or fill out the contact form. We’ll schedule a 30 minute call to get to know each other better and develop an agenda. Then we’ll set a date. 


Before the workshop date, send me any brand identity or marketing materials my way.

Other than that, no preparation is needed.


Yes! In fact, many of these workshops work together to support both your marketing and branding efforts. 


Our workshops are designed to support individuals as well as groups.

For large organizations, it’s recommended breaking up sessions into a series of smaller groups.


All workshops are held virtually. The day of the workshop be sure you’re sitting in a quite, creative space with a good internet connection.


Our workshops are intended to focus on brand identity, brand archetypes, marketing, and strategy.

If there’s a specific topic you need help in for you or your team, Woods Creative offers custom workshops. For more information send an email to: [email protected]


Absolutely! Just let us know ahead of your upcoming workshop.

Book a strategy workshop.

Interested in learning more? Connect with Woods Creative.