What is a Buyer Persona?

You may have heard of a buyer persona, but what is it and how can you leverage it to help grow your business?

In this blog article, we’ll explore the features and benefits of a buyer persona and how you can use it for your marketing efforts.

How do you define a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a set of fictional people that represent your target market. It’s a real person, with real problems and goals.

Since your brand isn’t for everyone, a buyer persona allows you to narrow your market so you can deliver the right message to the right people.

A good way to approach it is by first defining your ideal customer profile. Who are they? What can they offer you? These persona profiles give you an easier way to think about how people will interact with your product, service, or company.

What information should be included with a Buyer Persona?

There are a variety of different types of buyer persona templates available, but be sure to incorporate these key elements:

  • Geographic Information: City, Country, and Language
  • Demographic Information: Age, Income, and Gender
  • Psychographic Information: Lifestyle, Values, and Beliefs
  • Behavioral Information: Technology and Motivators
  • Industry Information: Decision Making Unit, Company Size, and Job Title

Buyer Persona Example

Meet Merlyn Clark

Merlyn is a buyer persona for a company with up to 100 employees. She’s a business owner and she owns a computer. She makes purchasing decisions for her company but is not the only person who has input on it.

  • Persona name: Merlyn Clark
  • Industry/sector: Health & Wellness Industry
  • Company size: 100 to 249 employees
  • Job title/role: Owner of a company with up to 100 employees. She’s also the main decision maker when it comes to purchases for her company.
  • Location: San Francisco, California
  • Motivators: Is looking for a CRM system that can help scale her business and allow her to make data driven decisions faster.

How to Create a Buyer Persona

For buyer personas, you only need to include the buyer personas that are relevant. If you don’t have buyer personas for your website or app yet, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Define your target market and ideal customer profile.
  2. Develop 1-3 personas that may interact with your company.
  3. Use existing customer data or competitive research to establish their background information.
  4. After creating a buyer persona, evaluate what key messages resonate with them and what channels you will use to reach them.

Need Help with Creating a Buyer Persona for Your Company?

Take the guesswork out of your buyer persona. Try a Customer Journey Map workshop from Woods Creative.